Who is eligible?
- NWT Businesses, economic development agencies, and communities.
- Aboriginal Organizations.
- Potential aboriginal culture tourism ventures.
Under TPDMP support can be provided in three schedules:
Schedule 1: Business Planning and Transition Assistance
- Up to $25 000 is available per applicant.
- Funds may be applied toward the development of business plans to enhance an existing tourism product or develop a new product with the intent of increasing revenues for an existing Tourism Business and attracting new visitors to the NWT.
- Costs may include consulting fees and costs for business plan development, or costs associated with consulting related to obtaining a Tourism Operator Licence.
Schedule 2: Product Development and Enhancement
- Up to $250 000 over one or multiple years. Recipients who receive up to $250,000 will be able to re‑apply again after five years have elapsed from receipt of the contribution.
- Funds may be applied towards the development of a new tourism product or the enhancement of an existing product with the intent of attracting new visitors to the NWT.
- Costs may include Start-up, capital acquisition, skills upgrading, services or amenities upgrading, website development, or development costs associated with product offerings.
Schedule 3: Marketing Assistance for Tourism Businesses
- Up to $10 000 per applicant.
- Funds may be applied towards marketing projects.
- Costs may include travel to trade shows, brochure/pamphlet development, launch campaigns, or development/modification of websites.
Costs or Fees
Schedule 1 – Business Planning and Transition Assistance
- Equity requirement of 15% including Sweat Equity.
Schedule 2 – Product Development and Enhancement
- Equity requirement of 15%.
- Up to $10 000 in existing equity (capital infrastructure for which no previous contribution funds have been received from the GNWT) and/or sweat equity may be applied towards the project.
Schedule 3 – Marketing Assistance for Tourism Businesses
- Equity requirement of 15%.
- Any other information requested by the economic development officer during the application process.
Required Documents
Applicants are required to submit:
- A completed and signed application form
- A detailed project proposal including a project description
- A budget including quotes
- Revenue and visitor forecasts
Other information may be requested. Speak with your regional Tourism Development Officer about specific proposal requirements and evaluation criteria, funding limits, equity requirements and specific purposes to which funding can be applied.
How to Apply
It is strongly recommended that you contact your regional Tourism Development Officer to discuss your idea prior to the development of your proposal.
When applying, please complete and sign an application form per schedule. If you are applying to more than one schedule, fill out a form for each schedule. Please include all required documents along with your application, or your application will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
For more information: click here.