Web Design For The Tourism Industry

Public Domain Stock Images

Public Domain Images (i.e. Unsplash, Pexels, etc.) are stock image sharing sites that host high quality photos and videos that are free to use under a website’s license. These pictures, videos or graphics are available as public domain because they are no longer protected by copyright or trademark laws. 

Stock images are great visual resources to use on your website to enhance your brand messaging. Conducting the perfect photoshoot can be difficult, especially when you’re just starting out, so stock images are an easy way to add the necessary visual elements to your website without the added cost! 

Watch out for the tricky rules: with individual public domain images, or stock images, there may be no copyright on individual pictures, but there may be a copyright on a collection of stock images. 

Public Domain Images are great for commercial use, but under Fair Use, it’s important to be careful that the images you download will not be redistributed…or there will be a copyright infringement.

Web321 uses a combination of client-submitted photographs, paid and public domain stock images on the sites we build for our clients. If you need images for your site or other online marketing, we can help you source them.